Monday, June 28, 2021

The CVS ExtraCare Coupon Clipper

In the same spirit as the Publix Digital Coupon Clipper for which I've received a lot of positive feedback and requests for similar functions for other stores, I also announce the CVS ExtraCare coupon clipper. These digital coupon sites don't like to provide a "Clip All" function.  I presume this is for some advertising purpose so you're forced to look at each one.  I like to have all the coupons clipped and if I happen to buy something there's a coupon it will just apply it at checkout. 

Plus with CVS being notorious for spitting out a whole roll of receipt paper with printed coupons, if they're all pre-clipped electronically on your CVS ExtraCare card I don't believe it will print them so you can save some trees. 

Please go to for installation instructions, and please drop me a comment here if you try it out to let me know how it works for you.

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