The 37signals blog points out a simply Ruby script for KDE that will give you a visual notification when a new message is posted to a Campfire chat room. I have modified that script to work for Gnome as well as KDE, and additionally a text console. I also made a few other additions such as:
- Allow you to specify a specific chat room(s) as a command line argument
- Multiple chats rooms can be monitored concurrently using threading
- Added the Campfire logo to the notifications
- Added some initial status messages to display login status, room topic, and current people in the room
- Display of the last 3 messages of the current day's transcript so you know what's going on without need to login
- Filter out ads
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # == Synopsis # Program to monitor a campfire chat room # Modified from code provided at: # # == Usage # campfireMonitor [roomName] [roomName] ... # # == Author # Steven Pothoven and Snailbyte Ltd. require 'rubygems' require 'tinder' require "cgi" class App VERSION = '0.1.1' def initialize arguments, stdin # default settings campfireSubdomain = 'mySubdomain' campfireUsername = '' campfirePassword = 'password' roomNames = ['Room1', 'Room2'] if arguments.length > 0 roomNames = arguments end @ui = 'gnome' @campfireIconPath = '/path/to/campfire-logo.png' # define you favorite audio player and audio file here for audio notifications @soundCommand = 'mplayer /usr/share/sounds/pop.wav' @campfire = campfireSubdomain if @campfire.login campfireUsername, campfirePassword alert nil, "CampfireMonitor", "Successfully logged in #{campfireUsername}" @rooms = roomNames.collect { |roomName| @campfire.find_room_by_name roomName } # remove any invalid rooms @rooms.delete(nil); @rooms.each do |room| notify room, "CampfireMonitor", "Entered room." notify room, "CampfireMonitor", "Topic is: #{room.topic}.".gsub("'","") notify room, "CampfireMonitor", "Current users are: #{room.users}.".gsub("'","") end else alert nil, "CampfireMonitor", "Failed to log in #{campfireUsername}" end end # display notifcation message def notify room, user, msg if msg and msg.size > 0 msg = CGI.unescapeHTML(msg); if @ui == 'kde' system "dcop knotify default notify eventname \'#{user}\' \'#{''+@campfire.uri.to_s+'/room/''/'': ' unless room.nil?} #{msg}\' '' '' 16 2" elsif @ui == 'gnome' system "notify-send -i #{@campfireIconPath} '#{user}' '#{''+@campfire.uri.to_s+'/room/''/'': ' unless room.nil?} #{msg}'" else puts "#{':' unless room.nil?}#{user} - #{msg}" end end end # notify with sound def alert room, user, msg notify room, user, msg if @soundCommand and @soundCommand.length > 0 system @soundCommand end end def run # first get any missed messages for today threads = [] @rooms.each do |room| thread = do room.transcript( do |m| if !m.nil? and m[:message] and m[:message].size > 1 notify room, m[:person], m[:message].gsub("'","") end end end threads << thread end threads.each { |thread| thread.join} # listen for more messages threads = [] @rooms.each do |room| thread = do notify room, "CampfireMonitor", "Waiting for messages..." room.listen do |m| if !m.nil? and m[:message].size > 1 unless m[:person] == "Ad" alert room, m[:person], m[:message].gsub("'","") end end end end threads << thread end threads.each { |thread| thread.join} end end app =, STDIN) app.runI'm sure you can think of plenty more customizations such as command-line options for all the default settings, etc. But I wanted to keep it fairly simple. One last thing, here is the cropped version of the Campfire logo I use for my notifications (campfire-logo.png):